Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Just a mini update this time. 8th Nov. It's Deepavali, an Indian Festival & a public holiday here. So, no work... yeah! We(Melly, our b/f, me & a guy friend, Melvynn) went to watch the movie, StarDust. Love this sort of fantasy flick with lots of magic, actions & comedy. Truly amused by Captain Shakespeare(Robert De Niro) of that flying airship. He's so funny! =P

Go watch. It's worth it.

While waiting for my guy friend to arrived, we went clowning a bit at the exit way behind the cinema... xD

Do I look like a chipmunk? xD

This way out >>>

On a trolley

After the movie, I wanna take a pic with my friend, Melvynn & got a rude shock. A security guard came up & told us... NO PHOTO ALLOWED! What the hell? We were at the ground floor foyer of the shopping mall(Cineleisure). The cinema is located at the upper level. Photo taking not allow inside cinema, fair enough. Cannot take pic in a shopping mall? Since when? For what reason? Later, I asked around about this rule & some told me that only tourists are allowed to take pic. Huh? Tourists are human & we locals are not? Tourists have money to spend & we local do not? Bear in mind that 99% of shoppers are locals in a typical shopping mall. Some people told me is cos the management is afraid that other shopping mall copy their deco. Hey? Those management people are dumb or what? Almost everyone have a mobile phone cam nowadays. How the hell are you gonna stop anyone taking pic if they really want to? With this sort of offensive rule in place, how can the shopping mall management make their mall a welcoming & friendly place? On what rational is this ridiculous rule based? Seem to me that this rule is totally stupid & redundant! The management of those shopping malls better wake up their silly brains before complains start flooding them or before someone complain to the media.

Anyway, our b/f took some pics of those security guards who told him no photo allowed. He continued taking & they watched helplessly. What they gonna do? Beat him up? Seize his camera? He's so ready happily waiting for them to try. Let’s see what trouble they will get themselves into. Idiotic rule with no way to enforce it. Bleah!

2 white shirt security guards

No can shoot inside, but still can take from outside... haha...

Melvynn & me

1 comment:

  1. Well, i encounter the same issue when i was taking photos of the in cinema displays for work and the pesky security guard did the same thing and
    i told him," my company is the one advertising these films and we are paying rent for this. Can't i take a
    photo? anyway here's my namecard and you can check with (insert MD's name) abt it." haha and he could not stop me. lol -yating
