there were many a time i would really want to share my burden with.
but seems like i can't really do that, not to even the one i love.
i haven't got any choice, i have to turn to someone else instead,
or probably cry to myself, to relieve myself.
i would seek for help, not always to the one i love,
because he won't probably help me out.
i would have to reach out for others again.
sometimes i really do wonder how much this can ever go.
i'll shut up, because i am always asked to "shut up".
to whom can i talk to? to whom who cares about me?
or even bother to hear me out, or to even understand the little troubles,
or problems that may seem to you just a piece of cake.
seems to you i mutter and babble frustrate = babble+mumble + throw tantrum
i wouldn't want to add on anything further. you have never seem to understand.
i am worried. i am just a lost lamb whom no one would like to retrieve.
i'm afterall a "nobody's child".
when i decided to be someone else, i hope for the best for everyone.
i will be leaving. Sunday, August 25, 2002 3:14 AM